Tuesday 30 June 2015

Feeling fat? Get to know your body!

A lot of people are worried about their weight, the look of their belly or hips, in another words, they are concerned they might be fat. But having a weight a few pounds over the average for your height, or having a belly with some kind of a swollen look isn’t necessarily being fat!
Some people may have a bone structure that is heavier than others. If one is very sporty and has an impressive proportion of muscles in the body, he will necessarily have a higher weight than a person that is averagely built or slightly fat and of the same height, since muscle cells are a lot heavier than most other tissues in the body, including fat.
Now, about the look of your belly. If nobody but yourself considers you as fat, and you only got to that conclusion because when you look down you see your belly sticking out, then they is a good chance fat hasn’t got much to do with it.
It is totally natural for your belly to have a bit of roundish shape. That is how we are. Now I’m not saying that not being able to see your feet is normal, but the belly of an average person is simply not designed to be flat all the time.
If when you grab the skin of your belly with your fingers and pinch it slightly it is no larger than an inch and a half, then you don’t desperately need to lose fat from your stomach area. In other cases, you will have to work that fat off.
Now if when you are totally relaxed and standing up, looking straight ahead of you, your belly sticks out further then your toes, but you don’t have that layer of fat larger than 1,5 inches over your abdominals, you might still have a too big belly. You want to make sure that when you try to figure out if your stomach sticks out too much, it should not be just after eating, for obviously your belly will be swollen at that moment.
So what is going on here is you either have a too big stomach, or your abdominal belt is too weak to keep all your internal organs and digestive material in the right place, and you might even have the bad habit of having an overall body positioning that doesn’t allow you bowls to be in the right place!
To figure out which one is of these could be your problem, just go out for a bit of sport. Once you are sweating a bit and you can feel your muscles are more tense than the usual, have a look at that belly. Is it still sticking out as much, or is it looking a bit better? If you feel it looks ok, or better at least, than you either don’t have enough muscles, or you don’t hold your body correctly with a proper muscle tone.

If you still look like you have just eaten a basketball, then you really need to start working on reducing the size of your stomach by reducing the volumes of what you ingest. Now you have to be aware that many other factors can come into play for your belly to stick out or you to accumulate fat. Remember to always talk to a health specialist before trying any radical solution such as pills or heavy diets, for it might harm your body or worsen your weight problems in the long run.

Sunday 28 June 2015


The question has been fuelling debates for years it seems, but still the answer is not clear. In fact, chances are we will never really know exactly what food impacts in what way. Although some chemicals have proven effects, the factors are just too numerous to be categorical on the subject. And chances are, as time goes by, it will get harder and harder to feed the world population on only healthy natural unprocessed food.
And anyway, what is processed food? Food that is not been transformed by the hand of Man with their natural state. Does that mean we should chew off raw meat from cadavers still warm with the heat of life, just like our ancestors did thousands of years ago? Feeding on freshly undug roots and wild berries is not that realistic. Let's face it, just cooking the food is processing it.
What you should be scared of, maybe, is the synthetic stuff. The chemical industry is booming, and has been for years. Every year thousands of new "possibly comestible" molecules are created in labs around the world. And if many are refused by health authorities, others are fully accepted and incorporated into the food distributed to the population on large scales. It may be that some, even a large part, of these synthetic "food" are totally harmless to the human body, like the studies indicate us to believe. But what if some test were just not conducted the right way?
On what kind of duration are these chemicals tested for potential harmful effects? How long can a lab afford to wait after having created a molecule before it is allowed to sell it? Even if they feed lab rats on a specific chemical for 5 years and the results are “acceptable”, what happens if a human being eats some for 30 years every day? And chances are, he won’t be eating only that unique synthetic chemical. What happens when there’s an explosive mix that no one had the idea of testing?
Will it's simple, people fall sick or die. Sometimes it can go unnoticed, in the case of someone with a specific health condition and having ingested just the wrong amount of the wrong mix of synthetic molecules. Other times it bursts out to public view as an epidemic disease. In that case, the product is just called out of sales, is modified or banned, and labs keep coming up with a new discovery.

So, in some way, yes, you could be scared of some highly synthetic food, although major risks are limited by health authorities. But food processing is just inevitable, and we have to live with it, but everything that comes out of a factory isn’t necessarily unhealthy or a weight gainer product. You can be slim and healthy without having to eat raw carrots and cabbage every day, just be careful not to eat only industrially processed food.

Saturday 27 June 2015


Billions of people are lacking safe drinking water in the word. Water is an amenity and indeed necessity of human being. Different epidemic water borne diseases are due to lack of access to safe drinking water in the word, especially in the third word. The human rights emphasis on implementation of global environmental justice and force to adopt such approach  which make sure the universal access of people to safe and potable water. Word is lacking of formal water provision and increasing environmental pollution leading towards significant challenges. The global dissertations concerning the human rights to water can be strengthened by applying environmental justice. Access to potable water is fundamental human right.
What is potable water?
Potable water can be defined as drinking water having qualities/parameters mentioned below:
•          Free of disease causing microorganisms
•          Desirable Taste
•          Odor (smell)
•          Color and
•          No Turbidity (cloudiness)
•          Contain no harmful chemicals
Objectives of Safe and treated water
The objectives of water treatment are to produce:
•          Water that is safe for human consumption
•          Water that is appealing aesthetically to the consumer and
•          Water at a reasonable cost
These objectives are readily met in the developed world and the technology of treatment is similar world-wide. Water treatment technologies are, however, constantly undergoing research, not only to improve the end water product but also to find ways of treating water that was once deemed unsuitable as a raw source. Advanced methods are also used by public waterworks to remove contaminants such as organics. Performance of water treatment plants should be in accordance with WHO drinking water guideline values at output ends like tap.  
Need of social justice for water
International aid providing communities, nations and local organizations have failed to satisfy the basic human water demand which caused a considerable, unnecessary and preventable human suffering. Though, there is an argument that access to water is a fundamental right and requirement of human beings. This should be protected by international laws, state practice and declarations. Governments, international aid providing agencies, local communities and non-governmental organizations should make provision of water requirement for  all human beings  and assured  fundamental human right of water. The different international forums completely failed to address this issue in 20th century. The human right to water dialogue has a strategic potential not only to ensure physical access to water, but also to advance claims in broader social justice contexts.
In present situation, private water provision act did not allow to recognize other factors like underlying processes and enclosure. It is difficult to understand the potential of the human right of water (HRW). This emphasizes the importance of reforming the variable limits and opportunities associated with any strategy or concept. Basic fundamental human rights demand to consider the safe and possible human right of water irrespective of regions and public or private provision of boundaries. Access to water is an inseparable part of livelihoods and need a broader conceptualization of the HRW. It should be focused on scarcity and concomitant of social context.
“Water is precious, we have to protect it and make provision for human beings, future generations and for ourselves.”


It’s a secret for nobody in the weight loss industry; the solution is simple as 1-2-3. All you need to do if you want to lose weight is to give your body less energy on a daily basis than he uses throughout the day.
And it's no secret either; the only naturally efficient way of healthily increasing your basal metabolic rate (i.e the average number of calories one body burns in 24H) is by increasing your physical activity. But, of course, if you start being more active, your body will request more energy. Therefore, you will be hungrier. But if you satisfy that hunger by eating, and in the process reach, or even go over, your basal metabolic rate, then you will either stabilize your weight or increase it.
Now things start to get a bit tricky. There really are three main reasons why you will feel like you should eat something. The first one is that even if your diet is balanced, you are intentionally eating less calories than what your basal metabolic rate recommends in order to lose weight. In that case make sure you are not too low in calories, and if not then try focusing on something else until the next meal time. Just get busy with something interesting for a while!
The second reason is that maybe your diet is not correctly balanced, and your body lacks a specific essential nutrient, or even multiple nutrients. For example, of you have just started an intensive physical activity, then you should consider the fact that you are building muscular tissue, and your protein intake should be increased in proportion. When the hunger comes, and you are respecting the daily recommendations in terms of calories, then try eating different types of food until you find what it is you need. For example, try eating a fruit the first day, maybe it's vitamins you lack. Then the next day you can try a protein with a piece of lean meat of vegetable protein if you're concerned about the fat proportions. If you have been increasing your activity levels, but not changing your diet, chances are you have a protein deficit.
Now the third reason. Well, that would just be a matter of breaking your bad habits. I'm afraid it's all in your head. If you are used to having a bowl of ice-cream every evening when watching TV, it's going to be very hard to stop! But try filling the gap with something else. Have a pint of water, a cup of tea, a piece of fruit. One will has to "train" his brain to get used to a different routine. Although the idea is plain and simple, I agree it's the hardest bit. But who says healthy life is easy?
So if you what to lose weight, it’s simple as setting up a strict plan composed of a healthy, balanced and calorie-controlled diet and a fair amount of regular physical exercise. Sticking to the plan depends only on you…

Weight Loss, Calories, Weight, Habits


It is a fact, losing weight properly comes by only thanks to the physical activity and a balanced and adequately proportioned diet. Starving yourself on regular bases or trying out a suspicious medication can be useless, if not dangerous. The right way of doing it is to be active, and watch what you eat; it's that simple.
By exercising, you wash stuff out of your body, essential stuff that is bad or merely useless for your body. That stuff includes the fat your body doesn’t need and dislodges while you get moving. So if you don’t take in too much bad stuff by an unhealthy diet, there won’t be too much to wash away, so your body can focus on getting rid of the stocks of fat responsible for your excessive weight.
On the other hand, if you are packed with toxins and chemicals your body just doesn't need, there're good probabilities you will be sweating out a lot of that stuff before your body starts digging into the stocks of fat. Also, when he gets there, it’s very doubtful you will still have enough water to get a cleansing process that functions sufficiently to be able to start working on eliminating fat.
And it's exactly the same when you get to look into how some toxins we over-ingest can affect our metabolisms. Some of the stuff you can find in your food is just going to make you hungrier, lacking specific nutrients, retaining water, or even helping the fat cells accumulate in your system.
So a healthy diet really is important if you want your body to have a just of washing away some fat when you exercise. But, of course, in order to "wash", you understand you will need fair amounts of water since water is the base of the liquids and fluids that operate the cleaning of your body. But merely paying careful attention to your diet and drinking loads is not going to get you very far, even if you could start losing a few pounds that way. What is the key to losing weight really is exercise.
The more you move, the fatter you make available for elimination in your body. Also, if you are correctly hydrated, the process of eliminating fat through physical exercise is just the easiest thing you could imagine. If you build a program suited to your actual fitness levels, and with realistic aims in terms of weight loss and time, you will be amazed at how fast you can drop weight just by living in a healthier way, with a healthier state of mind.
You just have to realize you are not going to wake up one morning having lost 10 pounds overnight. The pills and surgery can often come at great cost. Your best chance of getting in that healthy weight range really only depends on your ability to set your mind on being healthy, once you’ve done that, your body will just obey your head, and slowly but surely you will get in better shape!

Friday 26 June 2015


Geothermal energy is environmental friendly and efficient solution to solve the issue with global warming. It is being used by many countries of the world for the generation of electricity, heating up homes and even cooling homes. Geothermal energy exhibits intense heat that continuously flows outward from the depth of the earth. This heat comes from the core and can be generated due to the decay of radioactive substances beneath the ground. The term "geothermal" is derived from Greek words "Geo" which means "earth" and "therme", which means "heat." Thus, geothermal energy is translated as the heat energy generated in the center of the earth. It becomes warmer depending on the depth of exploration in the earth, and the temperature in the core can reach up to 4000 Celsius. The intensity of heat is capable of melting rocks and these melted rocks within the earth surface are known as magma. This can escape to the ground surface due to the volcanic eruption
Many countries, where geothermal energy is extensively used, are considered very clean. It is a sustainable energy not only because of the nonrenewable source but also easy to access. Geothermal energy is not a new technology because the first geothermal energy plant was built in 1902 in Larderello. The trends for geothermal power generation gained continue increase on the globe except during the period of World War II. The Larderello field remained out of operation during this period. Italy developed first ever commercial geothermal power commercially at Larderello in 1914.
                                                View of Geysers Geothermal Plant
The geothermal power generation has been continuously increasing since the year 1920 at rate of about 8.5 % per annum and projected installed capacity is reported as 20841 MW by 2015 as shown in Figure below:

A geothermal power plant emits about average 122kg/MW/hr of carbon dioxide that is eight times less than the emission generated by the coal power plant. This proves that the environment can be protected by using this source of energy. Today this technology is used in many countries including the United States of America, Iceland, Turkey, New Zealand, France and so forth. 
One interesting fact about this energy is that it can be tapped from almost everywhere from upper 3 m of the Earth's surface. Geothermal heat pumps are required for this purpose and to deliver the energy to the homes and industries. However, the major drawback in implementing geothermal energy is initial the cost issue. The initial investment cost of installation is high, but low running cost make it feasible and economical. Besides, with recent technological advancement such as enhanced geothermal systems, geothermal energy is now easier to exploit more of these resources, and the cost is lowered. Geothermal energy is a stable and reliable source of energy and power output can be accurately predicted unlike some other sources of energy like wind and solar.
In short, geothermal energy is declared the sustainable source of energy. It is an interesting fact for a layman that the earth beneath their houses has a tremendous amount of energy, far beyond what the entire petroleum reserves can provide. It is also powering turbines for the production of electricity. This makes geothermal energy not only an alternative to the energy from fossil fuel but also a vital energy immensely needed for efficient running of our day to day lives.

Thursday 25 June 2015


In the war, the human kind has to fight against weight loss and obesity, it appears rather clearly that the best ally health authorities can imagine having would be the fast food industry. It is obvious they, among all food distributors, are the best place to impact the feeding habits of the overweight population.
A kind of "food war" seems to be going on in the industry. Processed food against processed food. But as the official numbers show, the overweight problems are mostly common among the less wealthy part of the population. And the wholesome food, most of the time, is only available at prices that could put most people off. Of course, you could live in a rural area, and think this is nonsense, and that food at the market is not more costly than what you could find at the supermarket.
But consider the fact that some people live in places where the closer and can come to wholesome food  store a few rides away, and at prices that mean that just going there to buy a meal’s worth of products takes twice the time and the money it takes to go and eat a few times at the local McDonalds.
It’s just the way it is, the big industrial brands can distribute cheap food almost anywhere on the planet. They offer food that people want to eat, and that will be mostly tasty, fat and sugary food, of course, high in calories. And these two points are rather interesting. Big industrial food brands can deliver cheap food everywhere and to millions of costumers all over the globe, so they really are the ones that can impact the way people feed.
Of course, you could argue that McDonalds are not serving healthy food, but they would plainly that they are serving what people want. You can go to McDonalds and fill your belly with salads, fruits and tea. But when people go to McDonalds, there are not hoping to eat healthy dietary food, they want a greasy, tasty and sugary McDonalds! Just have a look on the Internet for the "McLean Deluxe", a healthy and low-calorie burger McDonalds created back in 1991. Nobody wanted to have even a bite!

It is obvious what a lot of health specialist say just doesn’t reach the right people’s ears, or at least not soon enough. A lot of overweight people start worrying about their weight problems when it’s too late and further health issues have developed and left them no choice. The best chance of changing the habits of someone that doesn't want to change his ways is to do it without him noticing. That is exactly what the food industry can do, and actually has been doing for years. They have kept their actions quite discreet for now, but who knows, being under pressure by the wholesome food industry, the Big Food leaders might reveal their plans in the near future…

Wednesday 24 June 2015


In modern society, especially in the rich and industrialized world, obesity and overweight problems are becoming ominously familiar. A lot of public figures blame processed foods in general and the fast-food industry in particular for this unhealthy evolution.
If the fast-food industry and the processed food industry have, like all businesses, one major goal in getting you to buy their stuff, are they really going to try and do that at your expenses, especially if your health is at risk?
Take their place for a second. Why on earth would you consciously make your costumers fat and unhealthy by serving them bad food? The result of the process logically just cannot have a positive outcome for you. If your food really makes people fat in just a few weeks of consumption, then why would people want to come back? Especially knowing that a lot of people including health professionals point out the fact that people are becoming fat because of your processed food.
Of course, you could say they are to blame in the way that they are affordable and contain fatty products. But can you really blame them for providing affordable food for the people? Now there's the matter of the quality of the food, the composition and nutritional properties, the amount of fat, the number of calories. It is obvious that downing a burger is more calorific than having a salad, the nut has you ever walked in a fast food where you can't order a salad?
So people with interests in other food industries will most likely keep trying to bring down the Big-Food Industry, putting all the blame on them for all the obesity problems rapidly spreading throughout the populations but the truth is, fast-foods are part of our world. The will never disappear, never get banned from serving food. The best venture we have is to hope for gradual changes by the leaders of the food industry, not only to promote healthy eating, and not to give us any other choice but to feed on healthy meals.
But wait a minute, is this not already happing? When is the last time you walked in a McDonalds? Have you not noticed the portions are slightly smaller? There's less salt on the fries? Different choices of fruit for dessert? And that's not all, the food industry, in general, has been working undercover to provide discreetly our bodies with food that contains less sugar and fat, and less calories. Coke Zero is all over the world, calorie count in most snack bars have seriously decreased in these past years, and many fast foods institutions are working hard on their menus to cut down on what your body doesn’t need and help you live a healthier life!
In the end, it may well turn out Fast-Foods, and the food processing industry, in general, will become one of the principal actors in the war humanity has to fight against rapidly growing weight problems.


These kinds of quick-and-easy, low-fat along with low-sodium cooking food tips give attention to staple meals that will form the basis of the Smooth Belly Diet regime! These kinds of approaches bring out the complete flavoring connected with enrich meals. We've tossed in a very several important test-kitchen steps, as well.
Every veggie advantages of throwing that using a small canola oil, any touch involving sodium and a few freshly terrain African or American spice up and roasting that from pretty high temperature (200°C) for 40 to 45 min (until it’s nicely browned).
Make sure to beef roasts ones veggies in a very shallow cooking dish—the bottom of your boiler griddle, so this heat is all around and also browns these individuals nicely. As well as don't include one's dish that you would not get the right coloring or perhaps crispness.
In case roasting is actually a really required by the people, areas in our favorite transformations:
• Lighter, dreary cauliflower caramelizes to an older darkish and also represents rich, nutty flavor.
• Brussels sprouts eliminate his or her aggression. Additionally they pun intended, the mushiness which typically results by stovetop steam & roasted leaves are usually nice and also crisp.
• Spud pieces emerge on the oven using a crisp, chips like crusting and also soft center. Blend these types of together with in the same way slivered nice apples for just a much more vivid and also nutrient-rich aspect recipe.
Poaching can be a basic solution to easily and also gently infuse flavor without putting the fat. Throw filets involving any mild-flavored, firm-fleshed fish within barely simmering water and also prepare food until eventually just opaque completely through—about 20 to half-hour, depending on breadth.
Each of our favorite poaching fish: fish, sea striper and also cod. For the speedy poaching water, about slice any carrot or perhaps a couple of any stalk involving oatmeal, and also the red onion. Include this vegies to a griddle involving mineral water, and also a dash involving vinegar or perhaps " lemon " liquid; chuck in a very number of entire African  or American peppercorns, any bay leaf, any scattering involving sodium and also any refreshing herbal remedies that suits you. Remove the fish and also greens any time baked through and also turns up the heat to cut back this poaching water to the gravy.
Regarding quick, low-fat dinners, barbecuing is actually what you want. Cooking over the flare touches away from fat and also imparts rich, smoky flavor to animal meat, fowl and also fish. Regarding pace and also suppleness opt for cuts involving animal meat which prepare food within just around 30 minutes in excess of immediate warm; try ham and also chops, or perhaps try to find fowl items, fish, tofu and also hamburgers.
Retain ingredients moist and also flavors large through by agonizing just about all facets in order to lock in the state of mind. Also, you would like to marinate one's animal meat ahead of that meets this grill.