Monday 6 July 2015


If you want to lose weight, you might have been looking around in hope of finding the way of doing that in a handful of days. But is losing all your extra fat in a short time really possible? And will losing weight too quickly put your health at risk? Both these question point to a third one: How fast should you lose weight?
First of all, losing 20 pounds in less than a week and staying healthy all way through the process is just never going to happen. It has been clinically proven over and over again for years, losing too much weight too quickly will harm you. If being overweight is putting your overall health at risk, so will an attempt of losing more than just a few pounds with gradual changes in your habits and lifestyle.
Extra fast weight loss, by any mechanical or chemical action, is dangerous for your body. A drastic diet or starving for days will only result in nutrient lack, low blood pressure, possibly cardio-vascular and pulmonary issues. In a similar way, going from being perfectly sedentary to multiple hours of physical exercise on a daily basis will must surely result in injury, if not heart or lung issues. Unless advised so by a duly qualified health professional, you shouldn’t go for pills or surgery either. And even if you are advised so, get a second opinion. Don’t let the smile of a money-thirsty “weight loss” professional lure you into a mistake that could cause irreversible damage to your body, along with leaving your wallet empty! Some of the synthetic chemicals used by big pharmaceutical firms in industrial “fat burners” and “appetite suppressants” have many unknown, possibly as well as hidden, negative effects on many functions of your body. An unnecessary surgical operation will leave you scarred for life. And that is the lesser risk of all. If the surgeon makes a mistake, you could well just be gone forever.
The solution is simple though: treat your body the way it deserves! If your car runs on diesel, you are not going to put milk in the tank, right!? So do the same with your body, don’t feed it stuff with only negative effects for it.
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The same way, if your car’s engine requires one gallon of oil to function correctly, you wouldn’t think for a second about putting two gallons in there instead, are you? Your body deserves the same attention, don’t you think? So don’t overfeed it. All the excess you are going to put in is just going to end up on your belly, bum and thighs, and show on the scale too. Imagine if you really do try to pour two gallons of oil into your engine, the greasy liquid will just flow all over the place, and settle in all the parts and curves, making your engine fat and greasy.
It’s exactly the same for your body, feed it right, use it right, and your weight won’t make you wait long before getting right!