Saturday 27 June 2015


It’s a secret for nobody in the weight loss industry; the solution is simple as 1-2-3. All you need to do if you want to lose weight is to give your body less energy on a daily basis than he uses throughout the day.
And it's no secret either; the only naturally efficient way of healthily increasing your basal metabolic rate (i.e the average number of calories one body burns in 24H) is by increasing your physical activity. But, of course, if you start being more active, your body will request more energy. Therefore, you will be hungrier. But if you satisfy that hunger by eating, and in the process reach, or even go over, your basal metabolic rate, then you will either stabilize your weight or increase it.
Now things start to get a bit tricky. There really are three main reasons why you will feel like you should eat something. The first one is that even if your diet is balanced, you are intentionally eating less calories than what your basal metabolic rate recommends in order to lose weight. In that case make sure you are not too low in calories, and if not then try focusing on something else until the next meal time. Just get busy with something interesting for a while!
The second reason is that maybe your diet is not correctly balanced, and your body lacks a specific essential nutrient, or even multiple nutrients. For example, of you have just started an intensive physical activity, then you should consider the fact that you are building muscular tissue, and your protein intake should be increased in proportion. When the hunger comes, and you are respecting the daily recommendations in terms of calories, then try eating different types of food until you find what it is you need. For example, try eating a fruit the first day, maybe it's vitamins you lack. Then the next day you can try a protein with a piece of lean meat of vegetable protein if you're concerned about the fat proportions. If you have been increasing your activity levels, but not changing your diet, chances are you have a protein deficit.
Now the third reason. Well, that would just be a matter of breaking your bad habits. I'm afraid it's all in your head. If you are used to having a bowl of ice-cream every evening when watching TV, it's going to be very hard to stop! But try filling the gap with something else. Have a pint of water, a cup of tea, a piece of fruit. One will has to "train" his brain to get used to a different routine. Although the idea is plain and simple, I agree it's the hardest bit. But who says healthy life is easy?
So if you what to lose weight, it’s simple as setting up a strict plan composed of a healthy, balanced and calorie-controlled diet and a fair amount of regular physical exercise. Sticking to the plan depends only on you…

Weight Loss, Calories, Weight, Habits

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