Tuesday 30 June 2015

Feeling fat? Get to know your body!

A lot of people are worried about their weight, the look of their belly or hips, in another words, they are concerned they might be fat. But having a weight a few pounds over the average for your height, or having a belly with some kind of a swollen look isn’t necessarily being fat!
Some people may have a bone structure that is heavier than others. If one is very sporty and has an impressive proportion of muscles in the body, he will necessarily have a higher weight than a person that is averagely built or slightly fat and of the same height, since muscle cells are a lot heavier than most other tissues in the body, including fat.
Now, about the look of your belly. If nobody but yourself considers you as fat, and you only got to that conclusion because when you look down you see your belly sticking out, then they is a good chance fat hasn’t got much to do with it.
It is totally natural for your belly to have a bit of roundish shape. That is how we are. Now I’m not saying that not being able to see your feet is normal, but the belly of an average person is simply not designed to be flat all the time.
If when you grab the skin of your belly with your fingers and pinch it slightly it is no larger than an inch and a half, then you don’t desperately need to lose fat from your stomach area. In other cases, you will have to work that fat off.
Now if when you are totally relaxed and standing up, looking straight ahead of you, your belly sticks out further then your toes, but you don’t have that layer of fat larger than 1,5 inches over your abdominals, you might still have a too big belly. You want to make sure that when you try to figure out if your stomach sticks out too much, it should not be just after eating, for obviously your belly will be swollen at that moment.
So what is going on here is you either have a too big stomach, or your abdominal belt is too weak to keep all your internal organs and digestive material in the right place, and you might even have the bad habit of having an overall body positioning that doesn’t allow you bowls to be in the right place!
To figure out which one is of these could be your problem, just go out for a bit of sport. Once you are sweating a bit and you can feel your muscles are more tense than the usual, have a look at that belly. Is it still sticking out as much, or is it looking a bit better? If you feel it looks ok, or better at least, than you either don’t have enough muscles, or you don’t hold your body correctly with a proper muscle tone.

If you still look like you have just eaten a basketball, then you really need to start working on reducing the size of your stomach by reducing the volumes of what you ingest. Now you have to be aware that many other factors can come into play for your belly to stick out or you to accumulate fat. Remember to always talk to a health specialist before trying any radical solution such as pills or heavy diets, for it might harm your body or worsen your weight problems in the long run.

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