Thursday 25 June 2015


In the war, the human kind has to fight against weight loss and obesity, it appears rather clearly that the best ally health authorities can imagine having would be the fast food industry. It is obvious they, among all food distributors, are the best place to impact the feeding habits of the overweight population.
A kind of "food war" seems to be going on in the industry. Processed food against processed food. But as the official numbers show, the overweight problems are mostly common among the less wealthy part of the population. And the wholesome food, most of the time, is only available at prices that could put most people off. Of course, you could live in a rural area, and think this is nonsense, and that food at the market is not more costly than what you could find at the supermarket.
But consider the fact that some people live in places where the closer and can come to wholesome food  store a few rides away, and at prices that mean that just going there to buy a meal’s worth of products takes twice the time and the money it takes to go and eat a few times at the local McDonalds.
It’s just the way it is, the big industrial brands can distribute cheap food almost anywhere on the planet. They offer food that people want to eat, and that will be mostly tasty, fat and sugary food, of course, high in calories. And these two points are rather interesting. Big industrial food brands can deliver cheap food everywhere and to millions of costumers all over the globe, so they really are the ones that can impact the way people feed.
Of course, you could argue that McDonalds are not serving healthy food, but they would plainly that they are serving what people want. You can go to McDonalds and fill your belly with salads, fruits and tea. But when people go to McDonalds, there are not hoping to eat healthy dietary food, they want a greasy, tasty and sugary McDonalds! Just have a look on the Internet for the "McLean Deluxe", a healthy and low-calorie burger McDonalds created back in 1991. Nobody wanted to have even a bite!

It is obvious what a lot of health specialist say just doesn’t reach the right people’s ears, or at least not soon enough. A lot of overweight people start worrying about their weight problems when it’s too late and further health issues have developed and left them no choice. The best chance of changing the habits of someone that doesn't want to change his ways is to do it without him noticing. That is exactly what the food industry can do, and actually has been doing for years. They have kept their actions quite discreet for now, but who knows, being under pressure by the wholesome food industry, the Big Food leaders might reveal their plans in the near future…

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