Wednesday 24 June 2015


In modern society, especially in the rich and industrialized world, obesity and overweight problems are becoming ominously familiar. A lot of public figures blame processed foods in general and the fast-food industry in particular for this unhealthy evolution.
If the fast-food industry and the processed food industry have, like all businesses, one major goal in getting you to buy their stuff, are they really going to try and do that at your expenses, especially if your health is at risk?
Take their place for a second. Why on earth would you consciously make your costumers fat and unhealthy by serving them bad food? The result of the process logically just cannot have a positive outcome for you. If your food really makes people fat in just a few weeks of consumption, then why would people want to come back? Especially knowing that a lot of people including health professionals point out the fact that people are becoming fat because of your processed food.
Of course, you could say they are to blame in the way that they are affordable and contain fatty products. But can you really blame them for providing affordable food for the people? Now there's the matter of the quality of the food, the composition and nutritional properties, the amount of fat, the number of calories. It is obvious that downing a burger is more calorific than having a salad, the nut has you ever walked in a fast food where you can't order a salad?
So people with interests in other food industries will most likely keep trying to bring down the Big-Food Industry, putting all the blame on them for all the obesity problems rapidly spreading throughout the populations but the truth is, fast-foods are part of our world. The will never disappear, never get banned from serving food. The best venture we have is to hope for gradual changes by the leaders of the food industry, not only to promote healthy eating, and not to give us any other choice but to feed on healthy meals.
But wait a minute, is this not already happing? When is the last time you walked in a McDonalds? Have you not noticed the portions are slightly smaller? There's less salt on the fries? Different choices of fruit for dessert? And that's not all, the food industry, in general, has been working undercover to provide discreetly our bodies with food that contains less sugar and fat, and less calories. Coke Zero is all over the world, calorie count in most snack bars have seriously decreased in these past years, and many fast foods institutions are working hard on their menus to cut down on what your body doesn’t need and help you live a healthier life!
In the end, it may well turn out Fast-Foods, and the food processing industry, in general, will become one of the principal actors in the war humanity has to fight against rapidly growing weight problems.

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