Sunday 2 August 2015


The benefits of nanotechnology are really vast. Nanotechnology has already begun to change our lives and with further advancement in the field, it is estimated to tremendously transform our lives on earth. It has also gone a long way in transforming other technological fields. To say that nanotechnology is beneficial would be an understatement. It is the borderline of human-made devices and the largest molecules in living systems. Scientists are learning how to effectively control and manipulate nanostructures as sophisticated implements are being developed to that effect. We will be able to develop new chemical, physical and biological properties of systems that form the borderlines of atoms/molecules and large scale materials if we are able to manipulate nanoscale particles

Few benefits of nanotechnology are outlined here

  • The variations on the nanoscale greatly influence the quantum mechanical or wavelike properties of electrons in matters. The micro and macro properties of the materials can be easily varied with their nanoscale design. Such properties include but are not limited to their charge capacity, melting temperature, magnetism and so forth.
  •  Biological systems and structures are unique mainly because of the methodical, regular or systematic organization of the matters on nanoscale. The advancement in nanotechnology will make it easier to implant nanoscale objects and things produced with such advanced technologies into living cells. Thus, the self-assembly features of nature can be employed in the production of new materials via nanotechnology. As a matter of fact, nanotechnology will effectively combine material science, engineering field and sciences with biology.
  • Nanoparticles and components find great usefulness in the production of materials and devices like chemical energy storage systems, reacting systems, drug delivery, composite materials and so forth. This is mainly having high surface area to volume ratio. 
  •  Nanotechnology makes it easier to produce particles with better electrical conductivity and a slew of other amazing properties and features. It can open up the way for the production of smaller and faster electrical devices with sophisticated and complex functions as well as capabilities. Power consumption can also be greatly reduced. This can be achieved by effectively controlling the complexity and interactions of nanostructure.
  •  Nanotechnology can also be very relevant in vast of other applications. Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide nanoparticles can be used in cosmetics, sunscreen, food products and so forth. Cerium oxide can be used as fuel catalyst. It is used in developing countries to treat diseases and prevent health issues under the name of nanomedicine. It is also used in the purification of substances and desalination of water and so forth.
  • Measuring Scale for Nano-Particles

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