Wednesday 1 July 2015


One of the reasons that might have you feeling like your belly is out of size and sticking out is that not only are your abdominals not strong enough to hold in and in place all you internal tissues and fluids, along with the actual muscular tissues from your abdominal belt not being in the right “state of mind”.
If you’re not too much of a sports person and know, or believe, that your belly is sticking out because you don’t have enough muscles and/or you have the habit of not holding your body straight (you often end up in a hunchback style position when you sit down to long), then you need to work your muscular tissues.
But not only. Positioning your body correctly is also a key to a healthy and slim overall look. And positioning right comes from you head first, both the actual part of your body and your intellect. It is almost automatic for most people that feel down or upset, that feel not good looking or ugly, or that feel fat or overweight, to adopt an unhealthy position.
Head down and eyes to your feet, shoulders locked in a position that makes you look like you are freezing cold, belly tensed in the hope that it will go unnoticed… These are bad habits that don’t help you at all. As a matter of fact, it is quite the opposite really.
Keeping your chin too close to your chest and arching your shoulders towards the front, you are compressing your lungs, pushing your diaphragm (the lower part of your lungs), ever lower towards your stomach and digestive and urinal organs. By doing that for years, you have forced you bowels towards the front, swelling you belly and loosening the skin around it, creating space for fat settle in.
By trying to hold in your belly every time you are in public, you are putting harmful stress on many muscular packs, as well as putting a dangerous pressure on your digestive system. You might be stopping the food from transiting properly inside your body, causing the digestion process to slow or even stagnate at times, creating more gas then you should, therefore swelling even more your belly, and causing pain and uncomforting. Overtime, doing this repeatedly could even cause you serious damage to your intestines. In addition, slowing down digestion increases significantly the amount of fat you absorb and accumulate.
So, look up straight ahead of you, relax your shoulders and belly, and breathe through your chest, with your back nice and straight. By doing this, you will put your body in a natural position that will ease your transit and release tensions. You need to adopt that position as much as you can, whenever you are standing, sitting, or even laying down.

A good way of achieving this is by always trying to keep the right position in mind, and most of all the right mind state associated with the position. You will see that the position described here is the one that a human being naturally takes when he feels proud of himself! So be proud of who you are and of the body you have as much as you can, it will truly help you not only be in better shape and health, but also make you look like you are blooming all the time!

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