Friday, 14 August 2015


Grapefruit diet has gained awareness in the recent past. A supporting study reveals that consuming about 4 ounces or half of the fruit in empty stomach showed excellent weight loss properties. Most people who continued for a longer period lost both body as well as belly weight. As the grapefruit contains a very strong diuretic property it helps in cutting down fat and reduction of the excess water that is stored in the body, especially in the belly area.

The 1st known fact is that, this grapefruit diet was started in the year 1930 as one of the simplest and easiest weight-loss plan. The simple plan is followed for 12 days in which the diet is controlled and the dieter lost around 10 pounds of weight. However, this can only be used as a short-term plan which will cut down the water level in the body, especially in the belly portion. This cannot be used as a long-term plan or the results are unlikely to last for a longer period. As the weight that is being lost is mostly in the form of fluid, if the food habits are not changed alongside, the chances of gaining back the lost weight is higher.
What You Can Eat While on Grapefruit Diet Plan:
As a rule of thumb, the diet plan allows the dieter to include different varieties of food items for all 3 meals. The dieter is even allowed to use butter or any salad dressings, use fried items as well. However, the dieter has to consume a certain quantity of fruit in empty stomach and if it is taken in the form of juice, it must be unsweetened. A diet plan must be planned earlier and followed strictly. Any food item or beverages that were not included in the diet plan in the earlier stage should not be consumed at any cost. The dieter should also drink about 64 ounces of water every day and is allowed a serving of black coffee.
How the Grapefruit Diet Works:
In most cases, the plan works because; the dieter is restricted to certain amount of calories which usually range between 800 and 1000 calories. However, the weight lost in the form of fat is not credited to grape fruit because; the fruit does not secrete any special type of enzyme that has fat burning properties. The weight loss usually takes place because of the low-calorie diet, which also contains the low-calorie fruit; grapefruit, which has ample amounts of fiber, vitamins C and also has diuretic properties, which cuts down the amount of water.
Most of the nutritionist doesn’tsuggest continuing this plan for a longer term because the diet limits the food consumption/calorie intake, which might result in side effects. On the other hand to lose weight, a person can take up grapefruit diet, but include food items that are nutritious and healthy alongside.

Like most of the nutritionists say, ‘healthy weight loss is a long process’. One has to plan and start a diet plan that is flexible and suitsindividualized needs. It should also be supported with the minimal amount of exercises and any diet plan should be something the dieter enjoys while losing the weight. Including physical activity, along with a sensible, suitable and calorie controlled diet will definitely burn fat and help one maintain the lost weight for a longer time. 

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