Monday 17 July 2023


 1. Introduction

Cambodia has used the huge natural base asset to enjoy in building up the entire economic breakthrough but at the same time deteriorated the said resources at a greater rate of utilization. This reflects the lack of sustainability of the resources available in the state as compared to the levels of its population. Lack of proper management of the natural resources often results in the compromising of the long period economic threshold as well as conquering the poverty epidemic ("Global forest resources," 2010).

The states rural development is not as proportional comparing the public goods to the state of livelihoods as there is a decreased access and low quality that affects the poor population dearly. The people surviving below the poverty line are more prone to the frustrations of inadequacy of ownership of assets, life opportunities and are left to compromise with the changing and ever fluctuating climatic conditions of the state of Cambodia.

2. Overview of Current Challenges and Opportunities

The environment and climate change has come to be a priority concern of the government of Cambodia in the recent past, and it has been incorporated in the development schemes of the state's affairs. The studies and observations regarding the current situation showed that the government is committing itself in improving. He is addressing matters pertaining the environment and its conservation, demographic study and governance, human rights and the entire public education (Cambodia - European Community 2007; PSDA 2013).

The understanding of the environmental helps in shaping up an organism's life in the ecology. The parameters for coping in unstable areas are at stake because the survival rate depends on striving to survive as a result of improper provision of all what it takes to be an outstanding conqueror in the long run.

2.1 Environmental Concerns and Biodiversity

The most outstanding environment related security issues trending around the state of Cambodia includes the destruction and deterioration of the entire ecosystems, breakdown of the food supply chains, access to water supply, inadequate land use and poor government policies. Moreover, the issues are pertaining to the safeguarding of all the natural resources such as lack of the ability to utilize natural based products from the ecosystems and the outputs generated from the ecosystems such as forests and fisheries. There exist irresolvable disputes and high interests over resources that are scarce with the given high and rising population in the state of Cambodia. Lack of natural capital, pollution effects and the existence of conflicts over resources will be remained a newsmaker for the current situation.It may continue until proper guidelines on the empowerment of the unemployed and safeguarding of the natural resources are concerned (Dasgupta, Uwe, Craig & David, 2003. "Global forest resources," 2010).

3.0 Population Dynamics

The study of the interaction of mankind population change over a given period is known as population dynamics. It is a study that incapacitates all factors revolving around the human life including, age, birth and death rates, immigration and number of immigrants (Solbu, Engen & Diserud , 2013). Population dynamics is linked with social, economic and environment parameters that are integral for sustainable development. Figure 1 shows a graphical presentation of these parameters and their association with population dynamics. In this context, the human population trends are alarming in the state of Cambodia as they are increasing with a rapid growth rate and the available resources within the environment are constant. The entire population is of importance to the environment on both the positive and negative impacts that will be felt and seen later. The rising population in the Cambodia state is un-proportionally increasing the demands of the natural resources such as land adequacy, water availability and energy sourcing and supply.


Figure1: Links between population dynamic and Sustainable development parameters

Source adopted: PSDA,2013

Population dynamics exists in the context of persistent inequalities and a major influencing factor in the development process. This also incorporates the balance of growth and associated effects that would be seen in the coming years by the future generation.

3.1 Environmental Concerns & Population Dynamics

Key environmental issues related to population dynamics in the state includes land degradation, loss of biodiversity ecosystem, deforestation, scarcity and pollution of water, natural hazards as well as disaster and change in the climatic conditions. These environmental problems have effects on the vulnerability and poverty issues, economic development and public health (Cambodia - European Community 2007; Solbu, Engen & Diserud, 2013)..

4. Population Dynamics and Biodiversity

Implications and degradation of loss of biodiversity and services offered by the ecosystem are currently being felt on the ground by the residents. It is endowed with various natural resources, regimes of hydrology, and this diversified ecosystem provides resources and source of livelihood to the major part of the entire population. There lies a fishing viability in the course of rivers and lakes in the country, and the population of the country is dependent on it. Due to this increase in population, there is a decreased levels of productivity of the fisheries industry in regards of illegal and overfishing as well as the downgrading of the critical forest covers and exhaustion of the wetlands (Cambodia - European Community 2007). The fishery sector is not only on the lead for over-exploitation of the resources in Cambodia. There is a substantial lack of proper management with regards to matters of food security, the rights of humans and the basic social, economic needs which have a significant role to play in the country.

5. Population Dynamics and Pollution Effects on Environment

The forests cover of the land of Cambodia serves as a major source of many lives and ecosystem opportunities that entail climate control and regulation, water and air purification (Yusuf & Francisco, 2009). The forests are also in charge in the regulation of water flow to river basins such as the Mekong basins in the land of Cambodia. The rate of forest clearing and deforestation is still high as the total forest cover has decreased by over 15 % annually. Loss of forest cover downgrades the flexibility of the entire ecosystem to calamities as droughts, diseases and increased effects of climate change (Yusuf & Francisco, 2009). The accelerating factors to the decline in the forests cover in Cambodia is attributed to rising population and the need of resources such as sources of energy, shelters and settlement as well as infrastructural development. The increase in demographic pressure is in course as the residents are in need of more land for cultivation and pursuing their agricultural expansion. The poor planning and management of the current land allocation, as well as land grabbing by corrupt persons and officials in the departments of forestry and conservation, are also cause of concern. The state has a record of being one of the worst in the rates of deforestation (Dasgupta et al. 2003: PSDA 2013).

Deposition of silt, use of manure and fertilizer and practice of good agricultural practices are the surviving tactics of the Cambodia agricultural ventures. This is because the land of Cambodia is of low nutritional composition and fertility for crops to thrive. Low quantity and quality production of food crops have been attributed to the infertility of the soil (Yusuf & Francisco, 2009). Demographics or population dynamics has a direct and indirect cause to this issue at stake. For instance, land degradation is hugely influenced by soil erosion that is caused by deforestation and clearing of the soil cover thus leaching off all the soil constituents to the water- ways. This poses a huge problem to the entire population as the low yield in productivity raises the concern of food security, health of the entire population and adverse effects on land and water pollution (Yusuf & Francisco, 2009).

Pollution of water bodies is much attributed to the growing and high level of the population of residents. A good example is the Tonle Sap great lake where human settlement took course long ago, and they are now reclaiming parts of the shores to add more structures. This poses a huge risk to the entire population and the aquatic life such as fish. With increasing demand for processed products for the entire population, Cambodia has experienced an increased number of the industrial establishment which has had a great impact on the state’s economic (ADB, 2007: PSDA 2013).  On the contrary, there is inadequate control over the wastes produced by the manufacturers and processors. Most of the waste eventually discharged into the water bodies, and it poses a risk to the aquatic life. Discharge of waste water into water bodies is against the conduct of good business practice. In addition, lack of management and corruption of heads of such departments should be revoked off their working permits as they are helping in no way either man or the animal life in the water (Cambodia - European Community, 2007).

As the population scales to higher levels, there is the lack of income generating activities and this leads the people of Cambodia on the move to seek other applicable alternatives elsewhere that can facilitate them to acquire sustainability. This has brought about seasonal migration to and fro the neighboring countries for specific periods of time (ADB, 2007; PSDA 2013).

The environmental concerns in the country downgrade the value and access of the available resources and in the long run generates other health problems where the most affected are the poor persons. This increases the vulnerability and complications in the economic development and the fights against poverty. The present number of persons living below the poverty line is approximately 35%. (ADB, 2007: PSDA 2013). Even though, the standards of living have improved in the recent past but there is a continued widened gap between the rich and the poor. In Cambodia, because of the high population, poverty is not only inclined to the rural areas but also in the urban (Biddulph, 2012; Wingqvist, 2009). Urban poverty is on the rise with the increasing urban population. Agriculture, forests and fisheries in Cambodia serve as an income generating activity as well as assurances and provision of food security during the hard time. The poor Cambodians depend entirely on forestry, agricultural and fishery products for their daily living (Cambodia - European Community 2007).

5.1 Population Dynamics and Natural Calamities

Increased frequency of floods, rise in the level of sea water and widespread of common vector-borne illnesses is an impact of the changes in climate in the state of Cambodia. The major population makes all things impractical and impossible in combating various issues as fighting against diseases and protection against natural calamities like floods and drought. The institutions set aside by the government to fight against such risks, and natural forces remain limited and ineffective in their ability (Biddulph, 2012). The fishing communities of Cambodia are more vulnerable to the effects and impacts of the climatic changes. This is due to low possibilities of other income generating sources as there is no land available. In the case of availability, the high prices may not suit the demand by the poor as compared to the rich (Biddulph, 2012; Wingqvist, 2009).

In addressing the impacts and effects that come up with the population dynamics in ways that protect both the rights of mankind and at the same time protecting the natural environmental resources, various frameworks and formulation have to be set to address this issues. This demands to include involvement of all stakeholders in addressing and monitoring mechanisms to look into inequalities existing in Cambodia (ADB, 2007; PSDA 2013).

Securing resources to do planning and the utilization of the available data of the entire population will help a lot in the forms of allocation of resources by the government, foreign aids and other forms of dissemination that requires the availability of data at hand.

6. Conclusion

Population dynamics refers to the interaction of change in population change over a given period and is dependent on various factors including age, birth and death rates and so forth. Sustainability of a country's population is based on the available resources. Proper control and mitigation strategy regarding the planning and allocation of resources especially among a growing population becomes hectic for everyone. However for effective conservation and maintaining of the country's heritage, strict laws and regulations should be enforced to guard and protect it. The protection of forests and water bodies is also a significant advantage for the future generation.



7. References

ADB, (2007). Country strategy and program midterm review. Cambodia 2005–2009,1-44.

Biddulph., R.  2012.  REDD and Poverty in Cambodia, Focali Report No  2012:03,

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Cambodia - European Community (2007).Strategy Paper for the period 2007- 2013,Retreived September 21,2014 from

Dasgupta, S, Uwe, D, Craig M, and David W, 2003. The poverty and environment news in Cambodia and Lao people’s democratic, World Bank policy research working paper, 2003, Retrieved September 21, 2014 from:

Forestry Department, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (2010).Global forest resources assessment 2010: Country report, Cambodia (FRA2010/034 ). Retrieved from website:

PSDA (2013.) Population Dynamics, Reproductive Health and Sustainable Development: Critical Links and Opportunities Forrest-2015, Retrieved September 21, 2014 from

Solbu,E.B. Engen,S. & Diserud O.H.(2013). Changing environments causing time delays in population dynamics, Mathematical Biosciences, 244, 213–223 

Wingqvist,G.O.(2009). Cambodia Environmental and Climate Change Policy Brief, Department of Economics, University of Gothenburg.

Yusuf,A.A. &  Francisco,H.A.(2009). Climate change vulnerability mapping for south East Asia. Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA) Retrieved September 21,2014 from


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