Friday 29 September 2017


If you’re asking yourself questions about Web development, then you are getting into a pretty tough and deep subject. The World Wild Web, also known as Internet has been evolving for almost 15 years now, and the Web development shows no signs of slowing, quite to the contrary as a matter of fact.
Internet originated back in the late 1980s in Europe and America, roughly at the same time. Software engineer Tim Berners-Lee from a research company named CERN (“Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire”, or the European Council for Nuclear Research in English) and based in Switzerland, is known by many as “the founder of Internet”. But the conception and design of the World Wild Web started over 50 years before that, and there is much more to it than just one scientist elaborating a singular program.
Since the 1950s and the apparition of electronic computers, many researchers and computer experts have been evolved in the Web development. All around the USA and Europe, many scientists have spent years trying to find a way of communicating via those computers. The result of their many bright ideas and ambitious experimentation resulted in the development of what is today known as the World Wild Web.
In America, an ancient version of Internet was efficiently used to communicate via computers. It was called “APRANET”. It worked fine but was far from what we know today with Internet. Europe also had diverse “primitive” electronic communication networks, such as “MINITEL” in France for example.
But it’s only in the mid-1990’s that the Web development provided us with the connection network today known as the Internet. Tim Barners-Lee and CERN specified the main fundamentals of the World Wild Web concept:
1.    HTML: Means HyperText Markup Language. This is the format used to publish documents at the beginning of Web development and is still in use today.
2.    URI: Uniform Resource Identifier. This is a unique address for each document published on the Internet.
3.     HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. This is a way of retrieving each document hosted on the Internet.

So in 1995, after a long and complicated web development, Internet became officially available to the world. Anyone with a computer, a home phone line and an Internet connection provider could access documents hosted on the World Wild Web network. This was a true revolution around the globe, you could actually be connected to someone thousands of miles away without having to hold up a telephone. And the best thing was you could actually send data through Internet, which was very interesting when compared to the rather long deliveries offered by the postal services.
But Web development did not stop there. Ever since it was launched, numerous IT engineers, web developers, software and program developers and anyone smart enough to understand fully and improve the Internet concept have been endlessly working on continuing Web development.
The connection speeds, the number of devices that can access the Internet and the connection means and methods keep evolving every single day. It seems that Web development will just never stop!

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