Sunday 22 January 2017


"Are we also to demand "Renewable Energy" replacing current nuclear capacity?" Climate stabilization demands zero greenhouse emission or carbon footprints. Nuclear source of energy is assumed to be environmental friendly, but issue is still under debate. One need to seek behind the wall in the context of nuclear energy as there are many processes including mining  of uranium that have their own carbon footprints .Dumping of Nuclear waste has its own problem that can generate long term effects.
The different lifecycle studies regarding nuclear power are based on the assumptions and unrealistic investigations. The disaster of triple meltdown at Fukushima, Japan that happened due to earthquake and tsunami raised new question marks. The disaster damaged the green environment as well as threatened the lives of the human being. I am not biased with nuclear energy sources but it is hard to accept the after effects of this source of energy.
The carbon emissions associated with nuclear energy by different processes including mining, enrichment and processing of uranium accounted for 38% in comparison with fossil fuel sources. The construction of nuclear plants contributes about 12% of carbon emission in comparison with fossil fuel having same capacity. Keeping in view utilization of technology and disaster that happen in the last decade, the under developing countries need to focus on renewable energy sources as solar, wind, biofuels, and so forth. The renewable energy resources can facilitate more in stabilizing the climate rather than nuclear power plants. In addition, they are cheap and environment friendly because we utilize the waste that is an emerging issue in all developing and under-developing countries. As per reports, many researches are under consideration to minimize the carbon footprint resulted from associated processes of nuclear energy

According to researches, the construction costs of renewable energy for power is estimated to be 50 to 70 percent higher including storage but impact on climate is much lesser than the nuclear. Moreover, renewable power generating plants can replace the plants run by fossil fuel. George, writer of Gaurdian also supported the use of renewable power by replacing it the electricity generated by fossil fuels in order to expand the total supply by displacing the oil used for transportation and the gas used for heating. Are we also to demand that it replace current nuclear capacity? That is a need of the time to enhance the focus on renewable energy to increase the impact on the landscape of the world as well as to influence the public. He added that eco-friendly supports have wildly exaggerated the risks of radioactive contamination. The typical complete dosage from the 3 Mile Island calamity for someone living within 10 miles of the plant was one 625th of the maximum yearly amount permitted for employees working in United States. This, consequently, is fifty percent of the lowest 1 year dosage that clearly connected to a boosted cancer cells danger, which, in its turn, is one 80th of usually fatal exposure.

I would like to agree that in case other power generation sources cause no damages, these influences would weigh a lot more greatly. But power is like medication because if there are no side-effects, there is less probability of its effectiveness. I also favor a significant growth of renewables for climate stabilization. I could also sympathize with the grievances of their challengers. It's not merely the onshore wind farms that bother individuals, however also the new grid links need to be considered

In conclusion, climate stabilization mitigation efforts may be successful by addressing renewable energy, use of technology and minimizing carbon footprint of nuclear energy. The world needs to adopt a proper path to achieve stabilization optimized by involvement of each country for a common agenda for greenhouse gas emissions. 

Thursday 19 January 2017


Solving the world’s carbon dioxide problem requires the devising of a unique avenue to trap the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is the major cause of global warming issues in the world. Global warming is a global issue resulting to the melting of polar caps, rise in sea level and so forth. The world is very much concerned with devising avenues to deal with the problems of greenhouse gases of which carbon dioxide is an integral part. You can find a lot of information in this subject in science and technology archives.
Biochar is obviously one of the top ways of dealing with this problem being a green technology. Contrary to what many people think, biochar is not new, however, its relevance recently became more pronounced. Biochar is simply a type of charcoal which is produced via the conversion of biomass into a charred product and it is also one the emerging type of renewable energy sources. This process usually occurs in a reactor where oxygen supply is limited. It is simply known as pyrolysis. Biochar is simply charcoal that came from plant matter and this charcoal is stored in the soil and can be used for the purpose of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Why Use Biochar to Sequester Carbon
The main benefit of using biochar to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is that the substance remains stable for a long time and therefore this provides a simple way of sequestering carbon. It is a sustainable approach and hence this process is widely applied because it merges sustainability and technology. Sustainability is an approach of utilizing the resources of today in such a way that it does not put a strain on the future generation. Biochar comes handy in achieving this.
Advantages of Biochar
Biochar has a lot of benefits. In fact, a lot of science and technology online articles enumerate the numerous benefits of it. These benefits are all encompassing and all point hands to one thing which is improving soil fertility with minimum land pollution. Since biochar sequester carbon and are stable, they can continually add nutrients to the soil. This increases crop yields. The increase in crop yields become even more substantial if the soil condition was poor before its application due to presence beneficial nutrients required by the soild. However, if the soil condition was good before the application of biochar, it also improves the yield and productivity of the crops and gardens but this may not really be significant.

Moreover, biochar also helps in preventing leeching action in soil. It helps to prevent fertilizers from running off. This is a multidimensional benefit because eutrophication can be greatly minimized in regions where biochar is used in soil. This is because eutrophication is threatening water body sources and consequent it effect human health. This will go a long way to decrease pollutions that arise from agricultural sources and hence save the environment from harm and danger. Furthermore, biochar retain moisture for a long time and this could be very beneficial to plants during droughts and dry seasons. In conclusion, you will understand more about the benefits of biochar by observing crops in soils with biochar and soils without biochar. You can also find more information on the benefits of biochar in science and technology archives. There are many organizations that are presently promoting its use and conducting seminars to create awareness among the public.

Wednesday 18 January 2017


Hybrid vehicles are simply vehicles that use more than one distinct power sources to move the vehicle. Hybrid vehicles usually refer to hybrid electric vehicles. These kinds of vehicles can refer to hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) which use internal combustion different electric motors. To understand the meaning of hybrid vehicles, it is imperative to comprehend the meaning of the word "hybrid". Hybrid is defined as anything that is made up of different parts or components. Simply put, it is a mixture of different things. Thus, there are different kinds of hybrid vehicles available today.
Kinds of Hybrid Vehicles
Hybrid vehicles rely on two different sources of power and it can be divided into three main types. These include full hybrids, mild hybrids and plug-in hybrids. However, some other kinds of hybrid vehicles besides the aforementioned kinds exist. These include muscle hybrids, micro-hybrids, and so forth. These hybrids differ in their functionalities as well as features.
Usually, the energy sources that hybrid vehicles rely on are electricity and gasoline. These are the two major kinds of hybrid vehicles one can often find in the United States of America. However, in Europe, you can find hybrid vehicles also relying on gasoline rather than electricity. 
Various technologies are available to make hybrid vehicles possible. Hybrids are products of advanced technologies. Therefore, hybrid vehicles offer exciting experiences better than traditional kinds of vehicles. In the hybrid system, various technologies are being brought together to make it work but usually the entire process is geared towards ensuring that the electric part of the drivetrain is made the most of. The major reason for giving attention to the electric motor is that it offers better efficiency and can be useful in the present quest to cut down on the emission level of vehicles.
Comparison of some Hybrid Vehicles
One of the most unusual kinds of hybrid vehicles is the full hybrid vehicles. Some top notch vehicles like the Ford hybrid, C-Max Hybrid and so forth can be classified under this category. Toyota hybrid is also a good example here and these hybrid vehicles classified as full hybrid share similar characteristics. Full hybrids are regular hybrid vehicles and interestingly, they are the full efficient kind of regular hybrids. Top notch technologies are employed in its entirety hybrid vehicles to make them exceptional. One of the technologies here is the stop-start technology, also known as the "idle-off" which can effectively turn off the engine when the car comes to a stop. Another interesting kind of hybrid that is worth consideration is a mild hybrid. This kind of hybrid vehicles are not as efficient as full hybrids, but they are limited to parallel hybrid mode. It has a battery and helper motor that operate while the gas engine is on and does not fully take over. Examples include Buick LaCrosse eAssist. Other kinds of hybrid exist besides those above two. These include plug-in hybrids such as Ford C-Max Energi PHEV, micro and muscle hybrids and many others.