Thursday 6 August 2015


Flexiterian Table By Peter Berley
The word flexitarian comes from the contraction of “flexible” and “vegetarian”. So, logically, the flexitarian weigh loss diets revolve mainly around vegetable food, but meat is tolerated. So if you become a Flexitarian, will be a Flexible Vegetarian, in other words, a vegetarian that occasionally eats animal products and meat.
The key leader of the Flexitarian movement is a registered dietitian called Dawn Jackson Blatner. The book she published on the subject back in 2009, The Flexitarian Diet: The Mostly Vegetarian Way to Lose Weight, Be Healthier, Prevent Disease, and Add Years to Your Life, greatly strengthened the positive response to the idea and tremendously increased the number of “part-time” vegetarians throughout the world.
Her record selling book even seemed to have had the effect if spreading the use of the word Flexitarian to a point of having it accepted in the new publications of official dictionaries such as the famous Merriam-Webster. Many studies have proven the efficiency of the Flexitarian way of eating. It seems to be one of the most adaptable healthy diets available. Researchers have announced stunning results for weight loss as well as for overall health. It appears that Flexitarians weigh on average 15% less than “traditional eaters”, and live up to 3.6 years older than the rest of the population.
Flexitarian diets are also strongly recommended to avoid pulmonary and heart problems on the long run. The guidelines describe a safe and balanced diet, in which plant protein is preferred to animal protein, but meat and other animal based products are not strictly prohibited, as they are with Vegetarianism or Veganism.
If the Flexitarian Diet does not ban any food from eats eating plans, some are compulsory to have in your daily meals. It is a balanced diet that focuses mainly on calorie count and uses high water containing products, as well as putting the emphasis on plant products. Therefore, on a Flexitarian Diet, you could be eating loads of beans, nuts and seeds under different forms. And you know what happens when you mainly feed on that kind of food, along with loads of fiber packed vegetables and fruits. But Jackson Blatner has thought of that too and gives away strategies to “fend off flatulence”!
Almond & Cashew Nuts

 About whether or not you are going to lose weight with a Flexitarian Diet is really up to you and how well you follow recommendations. The Flexitarian is not a strict and forbidding diet, so if you’re not careful, even if yours overall health and general wellbeing will surely improve. It’s up to you to make sure you are not taking in too much calories compared to the amount you burn every day. Put, obviously, it’s easier to lose weight when you’re eating large amounts of plant originated food instead of daily burgers and pizzas. The rate of obese people among the vegetarian population does not exceed 6% in the country with the worst statistics in the matter. So yes, a Flexitarian Diet is very likely to help you lose weight the healthy way.

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