Saturday 27 October 2018


Solar desalination plant, California, Source: Cole Mellino, EcoWatch
Solar desalination plant and technique is simply to convert any salty water to usable water by solar energy. The seawater and solar available for desalination which can be used for drinking or agriculture or for industrial uses where saltiest water cannot be used. The Great Aristotle told this method during 4 BC, by heating and evaporating the non-potable sale water and vapor collected as potable water. Alexander the Great used the same technique during the voyage in ships during 200 AD.
Around the world, 125 countries are adopting solar desalination technology for drinking water and agricultural uses.
Middle East                                   53.5 %
North America                              17 %
Asian Countries                           10.7 %
Europe                                          10.1 %
Central and South America        02 %
Australia                                       0.5 %
Methods of Solar Desalination
The direct method, a distilling mechanism connected with a solar collector and in a simple cycle method, the salt water converted to usable water.
The second method, an array of solar collector consisting of photovoltaic and or fluid based thermal collectors and conventional separate desalination plant. The reverse osmosis [RO] and photovoltaic panels system available for commercial use from the year 2009 onwards. In the second method, water is cheaper when the production is increased. An average of 200 Liters water can filter in one square meter Photovoltaic panel processor in a day.  This method largely used for agriculture in arid countries and acute shortage of drinking groundwater countries. Around the world, 750 million people are not drinking or not using clean water at this stage. This may go up 1.9 billion in next 8 to 10 years.
Top Countries Using Solar Desalination
The top four countries using Solar Desalination drinking water around the world:
Largest Solar Powered Desalination Plant, Saudi Arabia, 
1.    Saudi Arabia – is the largest desalination water producer in the world and leader in this process for a long time. In Al Khafiji, the largest solar photovoltaic plant installed and working successfully in the Desert Nation. By 2019, Saudi Arabia wants to convert all its plant run by solar energy. In other words, shift towards solar desalination.
2.    Israel – the desert land is the pioneer in water conservation technology. The 80 to 85 % of the wastewater recycled in Israel. The country is planning to use recycled water minimum 55% for agriculture purpose. By installing, processing, and selling their solar desalination technology, 300 more companies earn nearly $ 2.5 Billion per annum.
3.    California – is one of the largest user and 17 plants installed in California. One of the largest independent water producers is WaterFX in California, making several initiatives and kind of researches to supply good water. California uses the water for agri-business and for commercial uses.
4.    South Asia – South India one of largest solar plant installed and produces 37 million cubic meters of water per annum in one plant, and the second plant produces 100 million liters of seawater. This is to mainly to take care of drinking and for commercial uses.
The initial cost is one of the worrying factors in these solar desalination processes. At the cost of USD 1.5 to 2.0 per cubic meter of water produced. The cost varies depending upon the technology used and output made. Israel’s Hadera plant make at a cost of USD 0.65 to 0.50.
Like Mobile towers, internet connection, the Solar Desalination Plants are inevitable in any country. Just planting one tree, one person, and one year will solve this problem. Green the earth and Green your life.                    

Monday 22 October 2018


Fossil fuel is defined as fuel obtained from prehistoric organisms. It may be any fuel containing carbon that is derived from decomposed leftovers of plants and animals that have died thousands of years ago. Examples of fossil fuel include:
  • ·         Coal,
  • ·         Natural gas,
  • ·         Petroleum,
  • ·         Peat,

Crude oil (unrefined petroleum) has been the major source of oil over the years and being the major source of energy, it has been heavily exploited over the years. Crude oil is used as the source of fuel and energy for powering automobiles, machinery, residential homes and so forth.
The world’s reliance on crude oil comes with great cost. Primarily, oil is a hydrocarbon that contains high amount of carbon, thus when burnt, crude oil gives off carbon dioxide because its carbon content combines with oxygen and therefore, the resultant carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas that is a little heavier than air. Moreover, carbon dioxide causes global warming; it is a greenhouse gas. Global warming is one of the major issues faced by our planet and with the incessant burning of oil in automobiles and the projected increase, the world will likely face grave issue of global warming if nothing is done about it.
Furthermore, ozone depletion is a major issue caused by the burning of fossil fuel. The ozone layer is being gradually depleted, causing the amount of ultraviolet radiations reaching the earth to increase. These demerits are indeed grave, but no effective alternative to replacing crude oil has been developed. A lot of novel technologies are propping up as alternatives. However, these technologies are not yet mature to replace crude oil as a source of energy.
Natural gas is also an excellent source of energy, and there is even a higher deposit of natural gas than petroleum, but petroleum is still the dominant source of energy for several reasons. Crude oil accounts for more than 30% of the total energy needs of the world. This figure is above that of natural gas and coal. Crude oil can be refined into various forms such as diesel fuel, gasoline, kerosene and these sources of fuel are quite indispensable in the world today. Studies show that the global reliance on crude oil is not likely to change in the next 30 years.

We the habitats of this word need to think about our environment, future generations and natural blessings of God.

Sunday 7 October 2018


There is increased concern regarding global food safety in the present modern era. Irish pork incident that happened in 2008 caused the country-wide destruction of pork products and resulted in a fright of food borne illnesses throughout the northern global hemisphere. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported 76 million cases in which people suffered food borne disease every year. About 300,000 were hospitalized while about 5000 people died in the year 2009. The US Department of Agriculture has divined a continual increase in food-related diseases in the future. Therefore, it is vital for processed foods manufacturer to take mitigation strategies and framework during production and supply chain. Moreover, it is necessary to communicate the consumers or customers well in time to prevent them from diseases.
Many manufacturers forced to modify the entire production run of a particular product due to safety concerns. For instance, Peanut Corporation of America faced safety issues for their peanut butter by the year 2009. In the recent past, the Food and Drug Administration of the United States reported many incidents ranging from labeling to packaging errors having serious health hazards.
Effective management of processed food products in the context of safety has a great challenge for the industry as well as governments. Unhygienic and contaminated food products can make a potential threat for public health. This is imperative to evaluate existing safety challenges that may generate food borne diseases. The reliable knowledge management can facilitate decision-making during manufacturing of processed food. This all is possible by employing reliability engineering that is based on both qualitative and quantitative characteristics. The measurements of reliability is important for consumer requirements compliance that demands a state of art design in reliability to attain the goals. Reliability engineering emphasizes the significance of moral engineering principles to ensure the product reliability. Identification of possible causes of failure and eradication can help to improve product reliability.
In conclusion, the processed food industry has its unique set of hazards. It is overwhelmed by a long history of fatality and disease occurrence. The study emphasizes the importance of reliability engineering including knowledge management model within the supply chain of the food industry, effective communication and identification of steps to facilitate the industry. In addition, decision management model will enable the industry to overcome the product safety issues and incidents as well as rebuild trust among their customers.

Friday 5 October 2018


Valerian plants are likely to grow in hot and cold mountain slopes depending on their sex. The growth of male’s valerian plants depends on heat and resultantly, global warming boosting their growth in the mountains of Colorado’s Rocky. The ratio of male to female plants changes with elevation because of males and females like dry and warm as well as cold and wet conditions, respectively. The female’s plants may probably account 80% in few upland sites, but the weather is becoming warmer on up slopes of the mountain due to climate change. Subsequently, more male’s plants are growing compared to females that is an indication of climate change
According to research conducted in the Rocky Mountains forty years ago, the number of males was one third compared to females which is on the increase with the passage of time. This shows that the warmer climate is lessening the females upside the mountains. The rate of change in male to female plants share has been changing equivalent to the magnitude of climate change since the late 1970s. The upslope area is going to dry due to the melting of snow and summers are becoming warmer. Resultantly, rainfalls and moisture of soil have been moving on the upside of the slope by 133m and 195m in every decade, respectively. Subsequently, the sex ratios of valerian plants and climate have become interlinked. Hence, the researchers can use this trend as a fingerprint to predict future scenario of the species’ population.Moreover, in 2011, the researchers observed a drastic increase in the share of males to females compared to the period of 1978-1980. This may eliminate flowers by destructing female’s plants in lower altitude. In short, the scientists have the opinion that migration due to climate change may set the geographical limits for only one sex of the plants.